Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ask Us

sweater: c/o River Island

Hey everyone! 
I'm opening up this post for any questions you might have for me and Kylie!
Just send you questions in a comment and I'll answer all of them in the next post! 
Thank you so much! And Happy New Year from Bethany and Kylie!



  1. she is so PRETTY :) love her outfit and photos!

  2. Could you tell us more about how was it like for you when you discovered you were pregnant? I am very curious about how that time in your life was for you. Must have been hard!

    Then, I would also like to know which is your favourite mother/daughter moment and from whom did she get those gorgeous eyes!

    Thanks, love you both :)

  3. Wow, Kylie is like an angel fallen from Heaven xx

    Quick question: Make a "Hello" video of you and Kylie speaking please ;]

  4. Yesss a video of you two speaking please!!!!:) Enjoy watching your blog,Bethany!

  5. awwwwww she is the best :')

  6. What's Kylie's favorite thing to do?
    And what is her favorite thing to wear!


  7. aww she looks so cute!

  8. what kind of lens do you use?

    You both are gorgeous!

  9. did you have a prom party? what dress did you wear for that occasion? Love your blogs!

  10. What does Kylie like to eat? And what is her favorite color?

  11. aww i love her even i don't know her! hahaha she's so cute and lovely!

    My question for both:
    How is the blogger's daughter blog going? Do you both enjoy it? Kylie is happy about it and what does she do? Or is she still too small? :)

    Kisses for both of you, specially the litle Kylie :)

  12. Catarina AlbuquerqueJanuary 4, 2013 at 11:52 AM

    Could you talk a little bit about the period of your pregnancy? How old were you when you had you beautiful daughter? And the last one: could you show us a photo of your baby belly?

    Thanks a lot! You have done an amazing job!

  13. Who's her father? Is it Peter Adrian?

  14. I'd just like to let you know how cute Kylie is! Been following your blog since a couple of years and I love the pictures of Kylie you always take. Does she enjoy posing and does she understand anything about your blog and the impact already? And where is she while you are at work? Thank you!

  15. Hi, I was wondering if you are going to homeschool Kylie when she is old enough. Love your blog and Kylie's by the way!

  16. cutie patootie :)
    What was Kylie's first word?

  17. Hi there! Wondering if you find it difficult to balance career and motherhood, and how you make it work? Is it a strain?

  18. Your daughter is so pretty! :)

    xoxo Anne

  19. she is so cute, gosh :-)

  20. Hey :) My question is what the purpose of this blog is! Do you want Kylee to be as much in to fashion/fame as you are? Or is it just for a memory?

  21. Hi, I would like to know something about your everyday life with kylie? Do you have a routine? She isn't going to kindergarten or anything yet, is she?
    And was she the one who wanted this blog or was it your idea?

  22. Great pictures <3 She looks so adorable!
    Love your blog !

  23. who was Kylie's father and what happened to him?

  24. Hi Bethany and Kylie! I'm just wondering if Kylie is directed when she's posing, because she's such a sweet little model; she's a natural! You two are inspiring. Keep up what you've done amazingly for this blog, you got my support!

  25. Oh, I'd love to see your baby belly as well :)

  26. These are the cutest shots ever! She one lovely pretty princess :)

  27. I'm very curious to know how you edit your photos, I find every single one of them a gorgeous piece of art. You and Kylie are both adorable. Thank you in advance :)

  28. Veryyyyyy cute photos!

  29. I´m curious why you kept your baby instead of an abortion. I mean you were really young when you discovered that you were pregnant. Another question: who´s the father (Peter Adrian?) and does Kylie have contact with him?

  30. I'd love to know what your favorite thing to do with Kylie is? :)

  31. Hey Bethany and Kylie! I love your blog and Kylie's!;) I am very curious to know how you edit your photos as well.

  32. hey i love your blog and kylie is gorrrrg !! i'm a twenty years oldsingle mummy of a 3 months old babygirl and i'm not going to lie but gosh it'sreally hard. im alone with no one to talk to ... I wish you could talk about when kylie was a baby , your struggle and how you met your newboyfriendd and if you were nervous to date someone because of your mum status; i know ithatthe future will be brighter bu now im just so lost; i loovemy child so much but im feeling really empty inside... havea nice day bethany ! btw my name is lorie

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. I would love to know the story of your pregnancy.. how did it feel for you? and if it was tough of not? Did you have the support of your parents? And how'd you know that Kylie was the right name? Is the biological father involved in Kylie's life? What's the hardest part about being a mom? A talking video would be nice!

  35. she looks like a mini cara delevingne! what a cutie ;)

  36. where is kylie while you go shoot pictures?
    or whenever youre on fashion trips?

  37. Hey! :) I'm not sure if somebody has already asked this question but... Is Kylie as into clothes as her mom? :)
    xoxo from Poland :)

  38. Where do you see your life heading towards? I'm still unsure about what i want to pursue. Can you tell me what its like to be a fashion blogger? And do you earn enough money to support yourself and kylie?

  39. Did Kylie cry a lot when she was a little baby? And if so, how did you deal with this?

  40. SO PRETTY !


  41. Soooo adorable <3
    And good idea, by the way, even if I don't have any specific question, haha ;-)

  42. What's Kylie favourite song? :)x

  43. Kyle is like a little angel from Heaven :) i love you and her so so so so so much <3 please update this blog more regularly :) I would like to see more videos of you and her together, and it would be really lovely to hear her voice :D and do you choose the clothes for her or does she have any particular favorite outfits? And does it matter a lot to you that she needs to be well-dressed all the time? Last question: What is the greatest lesson/memory/experience you have so far with Kyle?

  44. what is the sweetest thing she has ever done to you? and what do you usually do to make her happy? :D

  45. do you edit your photos? if yes how did you do it? is there any particular software/program that you use? I find that all of your pictures are breathtakingly beautiful and lovely. I can feel the joy, happiness and real taste of life just by looking at all the photos.

  46. i would love to see the inside of the little house that you and Kyle live in :)

  47. beautiful photos!!!


  49. What Kylie's personality is like?

    What was the hardest thing about your pregnancy?

    Did you gave birth naturally, or was it C-section?

    How did you deal with judgmental people while pregnant?

    Were there any name options besides 'Kylie'? You've mentioned 'Kylie' was the only name you and Jay agreed on. What were the names you loved, but Jay didn't?

    How would you describe Kylie in three words?

    How did your family react to your pregnancy?

  50. AWWWWW! What a wicked project to show Kylie when she's grown up. Beautiful photography. ELL x

  51. What would u have done career wise besides blogging? Im a young mom in college and im having trouble figuring out what I want to be. Thank you and love you and kylie!

  52. are you ever going to update this blog?

  53. I saw Kylie's face pop up on my Pinterest. Even though her face was half-covered, I totally recognized her. You have a beautiful daughter Bethany. Hope you're doing well.

  54. Tumblr sent me here =] Lovely pictures! Couldn't help but come and leave a comment!

    Glória Hefzibá,
    Yellow Blog :: Blog Design

  55. Just stumbled upon your blog...absolutely gorgeous! I love that you post where to find the most adorable outfits your daughter wears... The blog is amazing, thank you for sharing, I look forward to more posts.

  56. she is such a dream <3

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  58. Honestly speaking, I think the relationship you share with your daughter is so so beautiful, it's special and rare. Both of your blogs are so pretty and so are you and your daughter! Its always a delight reading your posts and the little details about your experiences you write here and there. Please, don't stop posting. :)

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